free lotion here

there is no free lotion here

Heck yeah


i guess there's hope for every hatena service after all

!hatena blog is dead!


the FRICK is WYSIWYG ok so nobody talks to me anymore why am i annoying everyone or am i just not open enough or something there are so many people that are awful yet everyone loves them why what about me

man happy valentines day

i love all yall seeya


man the internet is weird especially when you become friends with internet folk like dude are you even real how can i even tell if youre actually existing if i cant see you in the flesh

it's called self control look it up loser

ok so i used the link VS gave me and now i can only go on haiku and tumblr for like half an hour thanks obama


sometimes i get really sad about people

you know whats funny

everything i post on this blog even if it's the stupidest thing in the world ezra koenig is still forced to look smug about it




i am le artist

(chokes up beautiful rainbow art)

drawing sucks

ezra koenig

ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig ezra koenig…

why i am here

what if our ancestors

were pterodactyls??? we could have pterodactyl blood. that's pretty cool

i drew a pretty picture

wheeee it would look better if my scanner didnt suck!!!

IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE TONIGHT...................


Christmas is a fun timeIt is a fun time every DecemberIt is also a joy monthI like this holiday a lotMerry ChristmasMerry ChristmasMerry ChristmasMerry ChristmasChristmas is a fun time to get giftsPeople stay home for the holidaysThey spen…

why are there ads on my blog

am i famuos??????????

hello i am a blogger

yes i am now professional sicne i have blog.................

thats wweird

your wweird